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Purity, Abundance and Grace

Bright breezes swooshed through.
Poof! Blooms exploded from buds,
Joining in Glory. 
My Botanicals, like all paintings (I believe), have a life of their own! This particular precocious collection began writing haikus. They got on a roll and couldn't stop until all 12 in the collection had their very own poem. Please indulge them, or rather at least give them a chance. I feel like a nervous & proud mother, watching as my children approach the stage. I am excited to introduce you to the first of the botanicals, featuring Hydrangeas and berries, "Purity, Abundance and Grace."
Find the original painting here.
This painting is featured on the January page of the 2022 Botanicals calendar, which you can find here. Order before they sell out!


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